I have really been looking forward to this all week. But more about that later. Today's post is super girly (sorry boys). I want to talk about makeup.
I know, ahh so forbidden. We don't want other people to know that we don't just wake up and look this fabulous. But let's be real, no one does.
Today, I decided to look nice for work, and lots of people complimented me and it was great. There is a very sweet lady named Miss Jean, who is 76 years old who works with me at J.Crew. She approached me today and told me how different I looked, and that she couldn't place why. "Oh, I know" she said, "you're not wearing any makeup, would you like some, I've got plenty in my locker". I politely declined and went about my way, puzzled. You see, I was already quite made up. I checked myself out in the mirror and thought I looked just fine. So then I wondered if I should feel complimented because she couldn't even notice? (she did also say that I looked beautiful). Or should I feel a bit put out because she felt the need to point it out. Or should I remind myself that this woman is considerably older than my grandmother and might be just a little senile.
Anyway, it got me thinking. How much is too much? Do I want people to notice? For the majority of my makeup wearing life, people have felt a need to...comment on it. "Oh Nicole, don't you think that your eyeliner is a bit much", "You know, Nicole, if you wore less makeup your true beauty could shine through". Awesome.
Well, here are the facts. I have terrible skin, I really do, I have spent sooo much time and money trying to create a flawless look. I almost always suck at it. And therefore it makes me really self conscious, like...24/7. But how much energy do I really need to devote to makeup?!
What about you? Are you one of those people who don't ever wear makeup and feel great about yourself (if so, I am super jealous). Are you a Glamazon think that Lady Gaga is a makeup guru? Or, boys, if you would like to talk...what do you feel about makeup? Have you literally never given it any thought, or is there one thing in particular you love? Talk to meeeee, it is friday and I am lame and lonely. True story.
Onto the free stuff. Once again, I really don't know what you'll be getting. In fact, I don't even know what to ask of you.
Um. Um. Um.
Okay, so pick anything that I have talked about thus far and just really let me have it. If you think I am fabulous, then by all means, please tell. If you think I was way, way wrong on something, let it loose. If you're just diggin the blog in general and wanna let me know, that's cool too. My favorite response gets something cool.
Again, you can comment, write me a Facebook message or email me at
P.S. I started watching the show Pretty Little Liars. This is going to be wonderfully disasterous.
P.S.S. I legit just made a pizza, I can't wait to go eat it.