Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 20


Big Hair. I guess it is because I am so in love with Snook and her poof was lookin FIERCE last night. Flat hair is just so not fun. This isn't to say that straightening your hair is bad, but you know that everyone needs some VOLUME every once in a while!!

I also happen to be a certified expert on large hair. So if you ever need some help, I gotchoo.

"That's why her hair's so big- it's full of secrets"

Today I did my best Snook hair impression. I tried to take a picture but am apparently retarded at using a camera andddd it just wasn't happening. True story through- various people told me how much they liked my hair, which rarely happens because I am really boring. And lazy.

I just want to talk about great women with who know how to have great, large hair.

1. Snooks, obvi.
2. Barbara Streisand
3. SJP
4. Oprah
5. Erin Adelman (teehee)

...the list goes on.

So, since today is a FREE STUFF FRIDAY, I would like for someone to share with me a story of how having large, voluminous, wonderful hair has changed their life (for the better). OR- if you want to compete and your hair is super flat, that's okay. Just tell me about how your life would be complete if your hair could also hold secrets.

I am so tired, I seriously almost forgot about posting.
Guys, J.Crew's fall stuff is SO CUTE. I was doing pretty well for a few weeks not buying stuff, but ...this is bad. bad bad bad.


P.S. Thomas will be posting tomorrow since I will be spending almost the entire day at J.Crew and when not there I will be packing. I already read his entry, he is great.

P.S.S. Shelby, you can just write your entry and FB message it to me and I will physically post it on Sunday.

I firmly believe that the higher your hair, the closer you are to God.

And you can quote me on that.


  1. I've never shopped at J. Crew. It appears that you love that store? What do they have there?

  2. I don't have *big* hair, per se. But I do have voluminous, wonderful hair :) Your words, I believe :P
    Growing my hair out is one of the best (and one of the first) decisions I've made about my look, that 'doing something drastic to make a big change'. And the results have been nothing but positive. Most importantly, I feel I look better with longer hair, and most of my friends agree :) To some extent, it helped me open up and become more social in general, so, yeah, it was kind of important.

  3. Man, I'm down in Tennessee right now, and there are women with BIG hair down here...

  4. I don't have big hair in the Snookie sense.. but I am firm believer in letting your hair's natural form reign supreme. I remember when I was in high school, I woke up 2 and a half hours earlier than necessary JUST to straighten my hair. Fucking ridiculous. My face is far to fat to have stick straight hair anyway. Why didn't anyone ever tell me that? But I digress..

    Now I just let my hair do it's thang (which is primarily a bedheady wavy look) and I've never been happier with A) the way my hair looks and B) with my alarm clock. :)

    - Jess (Casey)

  5. I have really puffy large hair when I let it flow free! It's how people recognized me in high school. haha. I love it, although it can be a hassle at times!!

    Love the blog, nicole! keep it up :)
