Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 16

Guys, I'm sick. It really sucks. The only good thing is that my mom always buys me Chinese food when I am sick. But other than that, this is miserable.

I have a few things to discuss though.
1. Whenever someone let's me know personally how much they love my blog, it seriously makes my heart soar. Words just can't express, you are awesome.
2. I watched Rocky 6 today, I forgot how epic those movies are.
3. Seinfeld makes me so happy. I really want to have their lives.
4. I smell chocolate and can't find the source!!

Okay, so today's topic is travelling. I know this doesn't have anything to do with physical hotness, but let's be forreal, when you find out that someone has been to 5 of the 7 continents, don't you think that they are the coolest person ever!?
So, I will be the first to admit- I am a study abroad snob.

When ever I find another fellow study-abroader I feel an instant connection, like we have some secret that the others just can't understand. I'm such a jerk.Anyway, I have a wonderful friend, named Paige. Paige has accompanied me on almost all of my travels. And together we experienced the best weekend that will ever be had whilst on a trip to Amsterdam. Paige and I have been itchin and need a new adventure, but since we are poor we just can't afford to hang out in Europe again. And, we love America, so we decided to explore out wonderful country.

This exploration will be taking place in January at some point since I won't need to be taking a class. We thought and thought and tried to choose a place and then realized...why stop at just one! The goal is going to be 10 Destinations in 10 Days.

This is where you guys get to come in. We haven't decided what exact places we will be visiting, but I thought it'd be the most fun if we could couchsuf our way around. (Basically we will come mooch on you and sleep on your couch for a night) Now, this will be in January, but if you live somewhere awesome and think we should see it...let me know!!

Well, I am going to go drink more hot tea and possibly sleep for 12 hours.



  1. Richmond. It's a pretty good time! And I have a futon. Get excited.

  2. I know a bunch of people in Oklahoma but haven't exactly maintained a close enough relationship with any of them where I can ask them to put somebody up they don't know. And then I made myself really sad.

    Anyway, how can you eat Chinese food when you're sick? I would think that would exacerbate the problem.

    Oh, and I'd thought I'd personally let you know how much I love your blog.

  3. Unless you're going to be in Wyoming, I'm the only person I know who'd be able to put you up. If you want to couch surf at the east end of Main St, you're welcome to visit! :P

  4. Tyler, I'm going to couch surf at the east end of Main St.

  5. If you go mid to late January, I live in New Brunswick, New Jersey and you guys could totally stay the night and club with me in my dorm if you wanted, because it only costs $25 to take the train to NY from there. So whether you wanted to get a taste of college town NJ (We have at least 3 restaurants in a 3 block radius that have been on the food network) or you wanted to spend the day in New York, you guys are invited.
