Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 28

Unless you count tomorrow, because since I will have brand new classes that day too...it sort of counts.

The first day of school, aside from my birthday, is my favorite day of the year.

You get to wear new stuff and met new people and wear new stuff.

Since I spent my children's college tuition as J.Crazy, I have loooots of new clothes. And I have decided that I will never repeat the same outfit twice this semester. BUT WHAT SHOULD I WEAR TODAY?

This is hard, because I obvi want people to be seeing my new hot self in action, but...I have a gym class today.

I might have to opt for the Sporty Spice look. Plus I got really cute sneakers last spring.

Are you guys big on first impressions? I totally am. Does anyone else still plan out their first day of school outfit? Did anyone else wake up at 8:30 am when they forgot to set an alarm and they don't even have class until 11?

I can't wait for the fall to start and everything to really get going.

Okay, thing I really do need feedback on.

A couple of people told me that I should continue the blog after August. I'm not so sure. Should I just quit while I'm ahead? Or should I milk it for all it is worth?

AND: I forgot to do a Free Stuff Friday, so in one of today's later posts there will be something for free.out



  1. Maybe not everyday, because I'm sure it's exhausting -_-
    But keep going! I love getting on facebook and seeing that you posted something new. It's absolutely amazing what a little bit of positive thinking and effort can do for you and I think your blog is the perfect reminder to do so.

    And I still plan out my outfit for pretty much anything I'm excited for, including the first day of classes :)

  2. ... I actually do try to plan my first day of school outfit, but then end up feeling like a massive failasaur when I go outside and see everyone in their super cute clothes. :/ I need to update my wardrobe. I've been wearing jeans and graphic tees for... ages. D: I want cute things.

  3. I woke up at 7:47 am. My alarm was supposed to go off at 7:30. I had a bus to catch at 8:30. This meant I had time for either a shower or breakfast, but not both. And I was a hungry dude. First impressions? nbd

    And I think you should maintain A blog after this, if not necessarily this one.
