Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 31

The votes are in.
Although it won't be every day, the blog will stay alive.

I have nothing more to say, SO here are 10 things in my head that are sort of random but you should know.

10. My other vonderful roommate, Elise, braided my hair tonight and said I looked like Pocahontas.
9. My computer is about to die.
8. Tomorrow I am going to call the City of Newark and throw a BF because I wasn't able to pay my bill tonight because their site was down.
7. I got stuck behind a train that was sitting on the tracks today for THIRTY MINUTES. People were climbing over it....it was crazy.
6. Speaking of trains... I love LiLo. I love her trainwrecks, her drama, and occasionally her movies.
5. My eyes are kind of burning right now.
4. I still need a job:( but I do have an interview tomorrow!
3. I am really, really, tired and it isn't even midnight yet. I don't understand what the deal is.
2. This will probs be my last post for a few days as I feel that I will very shortly be getting very busy.
1. You all have made my dreams come true.


Day 30

Celebrating yourself is quite hot.

My vonderful vonderful daahling friend, Ashley is turning 21 on Saturday. (This is a very big day for me as well, we have been friends for pretty much ever and her birthday is exactly two days before mine. So the day after her birthday, I always begin my two month birthday countdown :])

No one likes it when you are super cocky, but really, it is okay to celebrate yourself! (Sometimes you might be the only one doing it. Which I have learned the hard way.)
We weren't given life to be emo all the time. It's okay to let the sunlight in!

So maybe you are getting really inspired and thinking "yes! I will celebrate myself!...but my birthday is 7 months away..." Who cares!? Throw yourself an unbirthday party. Throw yourself a party. Take yourself out to lunch. Do whatever it is that will put a smile on your face for the rest of the day


P.S. Today I found out that I can eat 51 flavor blasted Goldfish for 140 calories. Good thing I bought the 2.1 lb box.

Day 29

Soooo I really don't know what to say.
I wore a really cool tye dye shirt today. And I ate some delish bagel bites. And now I am watching AVPM. What? You haven't heard of AVPM?! Let me help you.

be wowed.

So, I guess I will talk about being physically fit. This semester I will be essentially taking a workout course. According to the scale at the Doctor's office last month, I weigh 118. According to this chart on the internet I should way 112. How much do I care? Well it depends, am I trying to fit into something that is a big snug? Well yes, then I care. Other than that, it's really not a big deal.

But, with that said. I am not really physically in shape. There is a difference in being overweight and being physically fit. I just happen to have a low metabolism I guess. I'm really hoping to pump up the guns in this class and be able to run a dece mile without wanting to die.

Come find me in a month and I'll give you a ticket to the gun show.


Day 28

Unless you count tomorrow, because since I will have brand new classes that day too...it sort of counts.

The first day of school, aside from my birthday, is my favorite day of the year.

You get to wear new stuff and met new people and wear new stuff.

Since I spent my children's college tuition as J.Crazy, I have loooots of new clothes. And I have decided that I will never repeat the same outfit twice this semester. BUT WHAT SHOULD I WEAR TODAY?

This is hard, because I obvi want people to be seeing my new hot self in action, but...I have a gym class today.

I might have to opt for the Sporty Spice look. Plus I got really cute sneakers last spring.

Are you guys big on first impressions? I totally am. Does anyone else still plan out their first day of school outfit? Did anyone else wake up at 8:30 am when they forgot to set an alarm and they don't even have class until 11?

I can't wait for the fall to start and everything to really get going.

Okay, thing I really do need feedback on.

A couple of people told me that I should continue the blog after August. I'm not so sure. Should I just quit while I'm ahead? Or should I milk it for all it is worth?

AND: I forgot to do a Free Stuff Friday, so in one of today's later posts there will be something for free.out


Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 27


I am stealing internet SINCE I DON'T HAVE ANY OF MY OWN. Sorry that I didn't post but for real...it was impossible. I will just keep posting a lot until I am all caught up. Which will be 5 posts between today and tomorrow....

Anyway, today's get hot topic is doing what needs to be done/ having some dang manners. Take my past three days for example. I needed a job and there was an opening for one for this weekend. I could make $13 an hour and work from 11-3. Who would pass this up? Well, I almost did. I have to ride around Main Street on a SCOOTER, wearing a too big T-shirt, in the sweltering heat, passing out flyers. It is probably the most lucrative and humbling job I have ever had. People aren't very nice, and they feel that when I approach them (very sweetly of course) they don't even need to give me a verbal "No thank you" and can just dismiss me with a wave of the hand.

Hi- news flash. Not okay.

It reminds me of Thomas' post, because a lot of the meaner individuals are more attractive. I will watch them walk close to me and mentally think "that dress looks so awesome on her" and then she'll sneer at me and when she walks away I think of lots of expletives.

The point is, if you aren't nice, you could be as hot as the sun and you still suck.
But lots of people are nice and take my flyers and talk to me and things like that.

And I made $200 in 4 days by working 16 hrs riding around on a scooter. Beat that.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 26

Shoot. I had to topic today. I thought "yeah, yeah that'd be great" and I forgot. So now I'm just going to ramble.

My room is a disaster, which is not hot. Basically my stuff to space ratio is 2:1. Eventually it should look okay, but for right now it looks like I am 12 again. But, there is progress.

I think I was going to talk about money. Since I'm pretty much out. I have a few job prospects lined up, and hopefully they will work out. Not having money sucks, and it isn't hot. To be perfectly honest, I was a bit reckless with my money this past month, and I partially regret it.

Work hard, play hard, but don't be stupid kids.

Sorry these posts are just so short but the inspiration is just not coming to me, plus I feel like I'm about to fall asleep. Maybe I'll be more fun tomorrow.

Day 25

Holy crap. I forgot yesterday! ahhh. This post will be for yesterday and tonight with be for today. If that makes sense. The last think I remember about yesterday was watching The Hangover. Which is a teeny bit funny.

So, I want to talk about being comfortable in your own skin. The best way for this to happen is be sleeping naked. For those of you who already practice this ancient ritual, you understand. For the rest of you, my young Jedi's...you have much to learn.
It is pretty much the most awesome thing ever. Look, God did not create man and woman in a three piece suit. They were nakey. If the only time you are naked is in the shower then you need to step it up.
A lot of you may have roommates; that puts a damper on things. Truth be told...that has never stopped me. You just wrap yourself up like a burrito in your blanket. It's 8 hours of soft, fuzzy, warmness.
Or maybe you're gonna give them the "but what if there is a fire!?" excuse.
Have you ever been in a fire?
If it happens, you wrap yourself up in the blanket and go on your merry way. Since you house and/or family might be burning down- you probs won't care what you are (or aren't) wearing.

So, tonight when you brush you teeth and put your pj's on and get into bed...stop. Let you skin win. Just try it, I promise it is fun.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 24


Today I moved back to Newark! yay! Now I have to spend a zillion hours going through all my stuff. So this is going to be mad short because I am tired and have a lot to do.

Change is good. I used to really be freaked out by change because for my whole life everything was the same. until it wasn't. I am SO looking forward to my senior year, and right now things have really been amped. Maybe because the weather was finally cool today (yes!), I am in my new house (yes!) and a wonderful semester is coming up quickly (yes!)

Being open to change is hot. Letting the winds blow you where they please and freeing yourself to not always be who you have always been

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 23

Today's post is about food. Because 1.) I have been getting enough of it lately, and b.) I suck at eating it.

Right now I am eating popcorn.
Right now I am devouring popcorn.

Girls have this...thing about eating. A lot of them don't do it. But a lot of other don't like to do it in front of people, especially boys. I never really understood this concept. I just eat.
Anyway, since neither of these things are my issues, let's move on.

I eat like a 5 year old boy. I always get messy, I drop stuff, spill stuff...it's bad. My dad always used to tease me about it when I was a kid, that I'd never go on dates because no boy would want to take me out to eat.

Who knew he could predict the future....

So, I guess the point of this post is people who can eat a normal meal and not become a part of it, are hot.

I have to exclude myself from this one. But for all of you not gross eaters out there...mad props.

Speaking of mad props...Thomas and Shelbs, you guys were great!! And it was sooooo good for me to not have to post.

Also, today was my last day at J.Crew, though I'll be back to work from time to time.

I literally own half of the store. Awesome.

C'est la vie,


P.S. I need a job for the fall- can someone get me the hookup puhleaaaase


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 22

Thomas is a Godsend.

let me just tell you how yesterday was literally one of the worst days ever. And now, I am exhausted, tired, and have a lot of packing to do before I move to Newark very very soon. So my darling Angel, Shelby is going to write a post.

I'm going to give some background on both Thomas and Shelbs right now.

Thomas and I went to high `school together but ..I don't recall us ever having a class together nor were we in similar social circles. Fast forward to Spring 2009, Tommy boy and I were both enrolled in the Worst Class Ever- aka ENGL208, Intro to drama. (sike it wasn't that bad, but it was definitely not one of my smartest course choices). So we bonded over our hatred of the course and the immense amount of material we had to study. Now we are both Senior Creative Writing majors and will be taking two classes together in the fall. We will both soon have best seller novels out on the market, be on the lookout.

Shelby and I also went to high school together but she was just a little baby! She came when I was a junior and I was just much more fond of her than the other freshies, although she was really strange I just found it funny. I have watched her go from super awkward high schooler to super smokin college student. Anyway, I think she is super great and she is always way nice to me. Which is awesome. Anyway she is at Rutgers in NJ and is probably going to do really cool things with her life that I will eventually be jealous of.

Sooooo read her post. Because it is great.

Hey everybody, I’m Shelby and for those of you who don’t know me I’ll let you know a little bit about myself. I’m a girl (obviously,) who wants to be an English professor. I met Nicole in high school and like soooo many girls, I’ve suffered from low self-esteem for most of my life. But lately I decided that I was going to be hot from the inside out (a little bit like the whole basis of this blog.)
So I started buying clothes that made me feel pretty, changing my makeup routine, and everything else I could do that made me feel like no matter what anyone else said, I was an undeniably beautiful girl. The first thing I noticed as soon as I changed my look was how many compliments I was getting. Not only were my friends, boyfriend, and family constantly telling me how nice my hair looked or how hot I was, but sales girls in the mall started asking me where I got my clothes and guys started staring.
This started me thinking about the importance of compliments. I was starting to feel more confident without anyone else’s encouragement, but as soon as people started noticing, I felt even better. And as soon as I started thinking about how good other people’s compliments felt, I started giving more. I’ve always been one to give a ton of compliments and whenever I do, I feel better about myself. That’s why this entry is about how giving compliments is HOT!
Whenever you receive a compliment, you no doubt feel good about yourself, but when you give one, and see how you can make someone else feel good, it makes you feel important and appreciated. Especially as women, we feel so much pressure to be perfect. We have to be perfectly dressed, hair done, nails painted, and have grace all at the same time, and as many of us know, that just ain’t happenin’ every day. So if you can tell someone how fabulous those jeans look on them or that their hair is just AMAZING today, you can make that person feel beautiful, and making people feel good about themselves, that’s just HOT!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 21

Thank God Thomas is blogging because J. Crew is making me J. CRAZY! I just got home from work and need to be up at 5 so I can be there at 7. I hate everything.

Anyway- Des wins- you'll get your prize at school, just remind me please
and here is what Thomas has to say:

Sup gang. If you've been paying attention to what Nicole's been posting, you'll know this isn't Nicole. In case you haven't been, or you're just joining us, howdy, I'm Thomas, and I'm doing a guest post while Nicole is off doing whatever it is she does that's keeping her from posting today. I know that so far Nicole has given lots and lots and lots of tips on how to be hot in ways that are physical, mental, spiritual, whateveral, so by this point you should be pretty darn hot by now, or at least implementing these methods and being on your way to being a severe hottie. I don't think that's an unreasonable expecation, man.

But. Despite all Nicole's advice and how hot it should have made you by now, I have yet ANOTHER bit that should make you EVEN HOTTER. I mean, this is a 31 day program and we're only up to Day, what, 7 or something? I dunno.

Today, we're gonna talk about yer ATTITUDE, the core aspect of one's personality, so important that Glenn Danzig himself saw fit to break from writing songs about old horror movies to point out to one particular person that they were gonna knock someone out if they didn't adjust their attitude. Seriously, you could have the most rockin' body, gorgeous hair, flawless skin, maybe even be super friggin' smart, but if you're a total bitch/dick/asshole/jerkwad/muzak-warbling wimp, nobody's gonna want to be anywhere near you except for people who also have really bad attitudes. And the thing about a bad attitude is, even if you have one, you don't want to be around other people who have them too.

The problem with having a bad attitude is that you don't always recognize that other people perceive you as being a dick. (Did I just thematically link this post to one of Nicole's older ones?* I think I did. You can praise me for it in the comments.) So what I'm gonna lay out for you is pretty straightforward; in fact, it's completely obvious and you probably think I'm insulting you by even saying it, but hey, I'm not the one with the bad attitude here. First, you need to think of things that piss you off about other people. For simplicity's sake, you may want to pick only one, no more than a handful of things. So you've got a brief list of bad personality traits, say one to five. Now meditate on the list. Think about times when you've done these things. You have almost certainly realized that you are a hypocrite, and even worse, you probably came up with a list of traits you complain about an awful lot. Oh no! You have a bad personality, or what you are now perceiving as a bad personality. But it's okay! All is not lost! Your friends and potential lovers may still view you as a pretty decent person, if flawed as most people tend to be. They may, you might say, still find you hot. But you know what's REALLY hot? Like, nearly NSFW kind of hot? REFORMATION. If a person, good or bad, tries to improve themselves by scrubbing out bad habits, man, the people around them start running out of the room because they don't want to be embarrassed by their SUPREME AROUSAL.

Now, sometimes what's considered a good attitude can vary from person to person. There are a lot of people I think are pretty cool that other people hate, but we feel those different ways about those people for the exact same reasons, you know? Which means you obviously can't please everybody. But then, thinking you can or should please everybody is a bad attitude to have. First, you should try to please yourself (bow chicka bow bow). Try to be the person you think you would like. Do good things, try to think in a positive manner. Try and conform yourself to your idea of what a good person is. By doing that you hottenize yourself in a specific manner. You start to attract the types of people who think you're a good person, which means you're attracting the types of people you want to be around. You're making it easier to find the types of people you want as friends and the types of people you want to date, if you're into that sort of thing. Dan Savage, author of the sex column Savage Love, always says that if you're looking for a certain type of person, don't worry about trying to please people who don't fit into that category. Granted, he typically uses it specifically to advise people with specific kinks and fetishes, but I think it can expand beyond that to the types of people you want in your life. In fact, I KNOW it can expand beyond that, and I'm sure Mssr. Savage would agree.

Sorry if this ran too long. I was just gonna write a quick paragraph, and then I got into a serious thing. And then I forgot how it was going to end. But now you're on your way to being EVEN HOTTER, as if that were even possible! You're gonna be so hot, people will set you on fire to cool you off! Might wanna keep some aloe nearby.

Sincerely love,

Thomas D. orton

Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 20


Big Hair. I guess it is because I am so in love with Snook and her poof was lookin FIERCE last night. Flat hair is just so not fun. This isn't to say that straightening your hair is bad, but you know that everyone needs some VOLUME every once in a while!!

I also happen to be a certified expert on large hair. So if you ever need some help, I gotchoo.

"That's why her hair's so big- it's full of secrets"

Today I did my best Snook hair impression. I tried to take a picture but am apparently retarded at using a camera andddd it just wasn't happening. True story through- various people told me how much they liked my hair, which rarely happens because I am really boring. And lazy.

I just want to talk about great women with who know how to have great, large hair.

1. Snooks, obvi.
2. Barbara Streisand
3. SJP
4. Oprah
5. Erin Adelman (teehee)

...the list goes on.

So, since today is a FREE STUFF FRIDAY, I would like for someone to share with me a story of how having large, voluminous, wonderful hair has changed their life (for the better). OR- if you want to compete and your hair is super flat, that's okay. Just tell me about how your life would be complete if your hair could also hold secrets.

I am so tired, I seriously almost forgot about posting.
Guys, J.Crew's fall stuff is SO CUTE. I was doing pretty well for a few weeks not buying stuff, but ...this is bad. bad bad bad.


P.S. Thomas will be posting tomorrow since I will be spending almost the entire day at J.Crew and when not there I will be packing. I already read his entry, he is great.

P.S.S. Shelby, you can just write your entry and FB message it to me and I will physically post it on Sunday.

I firmly believe that the higher your hair, the closer you are to God.

And you can quote me on that.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 19

Okay so I have a request. Some of my followers...I know who you are. But some are just so obscure, like my newest follower "Benjamin" I know a few guys named Ben, but none who go by their full name. And I just am dying to know who it is. There is also another by the name of 589 Class Group 3. I am just so curiousssss.

Okay so, today was the funeral. Way super sad, but also a lot of joy as well. I cried fountains. Which brings me today's (shallow) topic.

How to cry and not look ugly.
It took me years and years to perfect this. And I looked for a clip of how I learned / was inspired, but couldn't find one perfect enough. So please let your inner nerd shine through. In the LOTR movie ( I think Two Towers) there is a shot or Arwen crying in the forest, and she is just standing there, so peacefully and beautifully, while tears are falling freely. I thought...why can't I look like that? The real truth is because I will never be as good looking as Liv Tyler, BUT, I can do my best to not look like a train wreck whenever something sad happens.

So basically this is your how-to.
1. Don't do the thing where you make a really weird face because you are trying not to cry. That never works because you in the end always en up crying anyway AND you look like a re re.
2. When your tears are finally ready to fall...just let them. Don't scrunch up your eyes and whatnot. Just let the rivers roll. You should find that tears mostly fall from the corners of your eyes, where there generally isn't too much eye makeup. So you should be fine.

Or you could just use waterproof mascara, but I think that it is the Devil in makeup form. Seriously.


Let me just talk about that right now, because it sort of plays into what I will talk about tomorrow.
I love JS. I love everything about it. I love when Pauly does his hair, I love when Situation flashes his abs, I love when JWOWW punches people, I love when Snooki does incredibly dumb things, I love when Ronnie makes a fool out of himself, I love when Vinny does just about anything, I love when Sammi whines and complains 24/7, and I even love when Angelina comes back to the shoe and thinks that she is gonna be cool with everyone.

I have never been to Jersey, in real life I find people with those...personalities EXTREMELY annoying. But for some reason, when JS is on, all of my other life issues melt away. And I get soooo happy. I just love their stupid lives. They're the trashiest role models I have ever had and I am not ashamed.

ALSO: Thomas and Shelb, I love you both for being so awesome and you can both Guest Blog!! Since I am going to be way busy this weekend it is actually a sigh of relief. Thomas you can have Saturday and Shelby you can have Sunday. Or not, if those days don't work for you. Let me knowwww


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 18

Okay so, I have no idea what I want to talk about. Everything that occurred today has already been discussed in a previous post...I need some time to think, which brings me to my next proposition...

GUEST BLOGGERS!! Well, just one actually. Just let me know in some way if you are interested in the job and it can be yours for a small fee of nothing. Qualifications are 1. U DONT TYP LIK DIS 2. you have to have a subject that pertains to hotness (inside or out), 3. You have to be a follower/someone that has made comments on the blog or to me personally (basically you can't just roll up in here and get to be Queen Bee for a day)

But, until I have that all sorted out, I guess I can talk about presents. I love getting presents, but I really love giving presents. Especially when it isn't a birthday or Christmas present. If it is just a thank you present, or a I-saw-this-and-thought-of-you present. It's just really great. Plus I am always way flattered if someone thinks of me.
Which brings me into a next topic, perception.

Lately, I have been dying to know how people perceive me. One of my bosses this summer would often make remarks like "who knew Nicole would ever be using tools?!" And I never knew what to say to that. I guess she just saw me as a snooty Princess, when in reality although I am a Princess, I'm never snooty ;) But for real, do people think I just paint my nails and twirl my hair all day? If so, I'm kind of embarrassed that I haven't shown more of my true colors. Or sometimes if I am talking with someone about a mutual friend and we are sharing our...opinions on their life..I often wonder if someone else is talking with their friend about me. What would they be saying? I'm not sure why this has been on my mind so much lately, and really there is no way for me to ever know.

Okay, last topic. I can't breathe out of my nooooooose. This is such bad news bears. I am not happy about this. Such is life I guess.

Oh oh oh, other thing. Tomorrow is the funeral for the mom that died...the one with 6 kids. There are going to be hundreds of people there...but your prayers for them couldn't hurt.

You guys are great


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 17

I would like to host a wonderful cocktail party and invite you all. That is how happy you make me. Maybe I will do that. Who is game?

Extra love to the people who will let me stay with them!! Paige and I are going to have to figure out which direction we'd want to go (whether it be north or south- the midwest is already out). But....don't be surprised when I call you in 4 months to make this happen.

Okay so let's talk abouttttt having a social life and why it is important.
Because it is, quite important.

Today I went out to lunch with 6 people today. All of these women are in their 40's (and then some), married, and have children.
wait- what?
Did I just flash forward to my future? If so- how bad could it be?

I firmly believe in having "dates" with more than just men.
(Not that I have had many dates with men in my lifetime)

The point is that people need each other. Whether you are old, young, married, single, boy, girl...whatever. And frankly, it's nice. You should make weekly plans with someone. Having something exciting to look forward to is always awesome.

Plus, who doesn't love food? Food is such a communal thing. Weddings- lot's of food, birthdays-lots of food, even funerals-lots of food. Wherever people get together, so does the food.
And I see nothing wrong with that.

I know this is a spastic post but there is so much pressure in my head that it might explode.

So, I guess it's weird to say that having great friendships and dates is "hot", BUT..what I can say is that it is really fun, and makes you feel great, and when you feel great on the inside, it shows on the outside:)


Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 16

Guys, I'm sick. It really sucks. The only good thing is that my mom always buys me Chinese food when I am sick. But other than that, this is miserable.

I have a few things to discuss though.
1. Whenever someone let's me know personally how much they love my blog, it seriously makes my heart soar. Words just can't express, you are awesome.
2. I watched Rocky 6 today, I forgot how epic those movies are.
3. Seinfeld makes me so happy. I really want to have their lives.
4. I smell chocolate and can't find the source!!

Okay, so today's topic is travelling. I know this doesn't have anything to do with physical hotness, but let's be forreal, when you find out that someone has been to 5 of the 7 continents, don't you think that they are the coolest person ever!?
So, I will be the first to admit- I am a study abroad snob.

When ever I find another fellow study-abroader I feel an instant connection, like we have some secret that the others just can't understand. I'm such a jerk.Anyway, I have a wonderful friend, named Paige. Paige has accompanied me on almost all of my travels. And together we experienced the best weekend that will ever be had whilst on a trip to Amsterdam. Paige and I have been itchin and need a new adventure, but since we are poor we just can't afford to hang out in Europe again. And, we love America, so we decided to explore out wonderful country.

This exploration will be taking place in January at some point since I won't need to be taking a class. We thought and thought and tried to choose a place and then realized...why stop at just one! The goal is going to be 10 Destinations in 10 Days.

This is where you guys get to come in. We haven't decided what exact places we will be visiting, but I thought it'd be the most fun if we could couchsuf our way around. (Basically we will come mooch on you and sleep on your couch for a night) Now, this will be in January, but if you live somewhere awesome and think we should see it...let me know!!

Well, I am going to go drink more hot tea and possibly sleep for 12 hours.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 15

Being healthy is hot. Because right now I am sickly feeling and it is gross. And it reminds me how good it feels to be healthy. Do you ever just have so much junk food in your system that you actually crave fruit and water and other natural things? Sometimes we forget that our bodies are not meant to be trashed and that they should be taken care of. I have flirted with the idea of vegan-ism, because it just seems so ...pure. But then I remember how freaking frustrating it must be to have to always be worried about every single tiny component of your food. But it would be cool to try, just for a month or so. Maybe I will.

On the subject of food, let's just talk about cooking. I think it is always attractive (in either sex) when someone is a good cook. I am more so a good baker, but from time to time my magical cooking powers will shoot glitter from my fingers are amazing things will happen.
But for reals, sometimes I just spend a whole day with food. Like last Thursday, it was glorious. All day long. Food, food, and more food. And everything I made was quite healthy.

So let's go back to the part when people asked me questions and I answered them. I will start.
"Nicole what is the coolest thing you have ever baked"
Well, friend, that would have to be the tye-dye birthday cake I made for my fabulous roommate, Carley's 21st birthday. It took hours, and was kind of pricey, but SO COOL.

I am just so sleepy guys, thank God for spell check because this would be so hard to understand, my fingers are just getting really lazy.

So today I got to do something AWESOME- I got to be a personal shopper.
I really don't know why people hate retail so much, it is so perfect for me. It was such a cool experience. Who knew that sometimes people got to actually enjoy their lives at work.

P.S.S. does anyone know anyone that lives near/in New Orleans and wouldn't mind letting me and a friend sleep there? Juuuuuuuust wondering:)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 14

Guys, I am exhausted. I can't even think. This one is gonna be a quickie. (That's what she said)

First: Thomas wins, because he has been excelling all along at being a blog follower of mine and his answer just made me laugh a lot. I even thought up a perfect gift for you! But you won't be able to receive it until school starts so please please please remind me!!!

Second: This is my short post: Wearing the right size of clothing makes alllll the difference. And it's hard, trust me, I know. My closet ranges from a XS-XL, all the stores are different, the cuts are never the same, yadda, yadda, yadda. I have heard it all. But honestly, stop being so lazy and try stuff on. Nothing kills me more than seeing a pretty girl wearing clothes that are just allllll too wrong. Look, if you're not skinny, don't wear clothes made for skinny people. Plain and simple. Wear the next size or so up. No matter how bad you want to fit into a small...it won't happen, and no matter how cute you think the item is, it won't look cute on you if you are busting out all over the place. Also, men, learn your size! Tall does not always mean XXL!!! Ask if you don't know! I don't care how shallow it sounds- first impressions really are important, and if you look like you can't even dress yourself properly, who will want to give you the time of day?

Third: I hate to be so emo on here all of the time, but I just can't help it. For those of you who pray, please pray for my friend Audrey and her five siblings. Their mom died today from cancer.

It's just really hard for me to be upbeat and whatnot whilst having this on my mind.

Please appreciate everything. Because nothing will last forever.

I promise to make tomorrow more fun.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 13


I have really been looking forward to this all week. But more about that later. Today's post is super girly (sorry boys). I want to talk about makeup.

I know, ahh so forbidden. We don't want other people to know that we don't just wake up and look this fabulous. But let's be real, no one does.

Today, I decided to look nice for work, and lots of people complimented me and it was great. There is a very sweet lady named Miss Jean, who is 76 years old who works with me at J.Crew. She approached me today and told me how different I looked, and that she couldn't place why. "Oh, I know" she said, "you're not wearing any makeup, would you like some, I've got plenty in my locker". I politely declined and went about my way, puzzled. You see, I was already quite made up. I checked myself out in the mirror and thought I looked just fine. So then I wondered if I should feel complimented because she couldn't even notice? (she did also say that I looked beautiful). Or should I feel a bit put out because she felt the need to point it out. Or should I remind myself that this woman is considerably older than my grandmother and might be just a little senile.

Anyway, it got me thinking. How much is too much? Do I want people to notice? For the majority of my makeup wearing life, people have felt a need to...comment on it. "Oh Nicole, don't you think that your eyeliner is a bit much", "You know, Nicole, if you wore less makeup your true beauty could shine through". Awesome.
Well, here are the facts. I have terrible skin, I really do, I have spent sooo much time and money trying to create a flawless look. I almost always suck at it. And therefore it makes me really self conscious, like...24/7. But how much energy do I really need to devote to makeup?!

What about you? Are you one of those people who don't ever wear makeup and feel great about yourself (if so, I am super jealous). Are you a Glamazon think that Lady Gaga is a makeup guru? Or, boys, if you would like to talk...what do you feel about makeup? Have you literally never given it any thought, or is there one thing in particular you love? Talk to meeeee, it is friday and I am lame and lonely. True story.

Onto the free stuff. Once again, I really don't know what you'll be getting. In fact, I don't even know what to ask of you.
Um. Um. Um.

Okay, so pick anything that I have talked about thus far and just really let me have it. If you think I am fabulous, then by all means, please tell. If you think I was way, way wrong on something, let it loose. If you're just diggin the blog in general and wanna let me know, that's cool too. My favorite response gets something cool.

Again, you can comment, write me a Facebook message or email me at Nicoleee@udel.edu


P.S. I started watching the show Pretty Little Liars. This is going to be wonderfully disasterous.

P.S.S. I legit just made a pizza, I can't wait to go eat it.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 12

So I had a bunch of people respond to my quest to see how many readers I have- you all are great and are seriously making me so happy.

I am going to take a break from deep posts because frankly it requires a lot of energy and I am just sleepy.
So today- we are talking about DANCING. My most favorite thing in the whole world. Ask anyone who has ever shared a room with me. I think dance is the most amazing and wonderful form of expression ever.

Dancing is also very, very hot. There is nothing better than a woman who can own her body and feels confident in it enough to be able to let loose. I have spent a significant amount of my life trying to help some of my friends understand this concept.

Let's talk about some ways the Pop Culture agrees with me on this concept.
So You Think You Can Dance? -Super hot TV show
"I Wanna Dance With Somebody"- Possibly one of the best songs in the 90's
Dirty Dancing- One of the best movies, ever. (Side note, for those men in the world who are just dying to marry me some day- if you would like me to be your blushing bride someday, you better know that our first dance is going to be the dance from that movie)
The list goes on and on.

I am going to FORCE myself to take Zumba next semester. I am never going to talk about weight-loss on this blog, BUT- I would highly recommend dancing as a way to do it. There are so many videos about sexy dancing weight loss programs and whatnot. There is a reason behind it.

My first year of college I would come home from class, remove which ever pieces of clothing prohibited me from moving freely and do my thang. 40 girls living around me had a life changing experience. I highly suggest this. It is the best stress reliever, next to sleeping in a fort for 2 weeks straight. But that is another story, possibly for another time.

When I was in Greece (which is a lifetime of stories), we would go to the clubs. Seeing as how I am STILL under 21, I had very little experience with American clubs. So we'd go and the boys there would all want to buy us drinks, which was generally accepted, and then...they'd want to dance. ew. Let this be known to all of mankind. I do not, and will not ever be going to the clubs to dance with a boy. I just like to do my thaaaaaaaang. If you know what I mean.

So are you a dancer? Do you understand my deep deep passion and love? Or do you think I'm just ridiculous.

P.S. I just love Jersey Shore so much. Words just can't explain. I am going to have to devote a whole post to it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 11

I am starting to run out of topic ideas. 31 is a lot. I wanted to have a balance of superficial and deep things, but who knew it'd be this tough? I think today I want to talk about Princesses. If you are approximately my age, and did not live under a rock you saw the movie A Little Princess. (If you are even more like me, you also read the book). This is a quote from the movie, which is my favorite one of them all:

"Miss Minchin: Don't tell me you still fancy yourself a princess? Child, look around you! Or better yet, look in the mirror.
Sara Crewe: I am a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. Even if they dress in rags, even if they aren't pretty, or smart, or young. They're still princesses. All of us. Didn't your father ever tell you that? Didn't he? "

I wholeheartedly agree with Sara. I believe that all girls are princesses, despite circumstances.

Someone sent me a link to this article :http://donmilleris.com/2010/08/10/excerpt-from-bittersweet-from-shauna-niequist/ and I'd like to know what you think.

I agree with a lot of it. I don't want anything handed out to me, I want to get wherever I get in life because I earned it, not because of anything else.

But why, in the processes of getting to that destination, can I not be a princess along the way. "but no tiaras, no wands, and no princes coming to rescue any little princesses." Why can I not wear my tiara and twirl my wand...what do Princes coming to rescue me have anything to do with it?

I used to want to be rescued. I used to think that someone would come into my life and rescue me. But as the years went on I started to realize...rescue me...from what? Why do I need someone else to slay my dragons? We should not be punished because of the Princes. I should not have my Princess-ness taken away, for fear of thinking that I would need a Prince to complete me.

I love the idea of what Shauna is saying, but I think she is just a bit twisted. I say that girls are free to be Princesses, we are free to be pretty, and fun, and sparkle and glitter and do all sorts of things. But really, we are more than that. We can grow up to be Queen Ester's and save our people, or Queen Victoria's who re-shape entire nations. The life of a Princess is not always glamorous. As Sara said, some of them aren't pretty, and some of them wear rags.

This is not an attack on the Princes though. It is not that you have done anything wrong, it's just that over time, society and stories have made us think that to have a Happy Ending, you have to be there too. And sometimes, it works out that we get both. We get to be Queen, rule the world, and have you as our King. And that is great. In fact, that is how I hope my Happy Ending is. But in the mean time, I am going to be a Princess, and I am going to slay my own dragons, and no one is going to stop me.

***Also, in case you don't stalk me on Facebook...I posted this as my status.. if you could do it, you'd be making (almost) all of my dreams come true!

"So today is day 11. I'd like to measure the amount of readers I have, just out of curiosity. I will be doing this on day 11, 21, and 31. If you read my blog, even just once, or every single day...could you let me know? You can message me, like this status, comment on this, (or the blog), text me...whatever. You guys are great!"


Also! I can't believe I forgot this. Anne is amazing and I will now apparently love her forever.

Day 10

Whoo! What a milestone- 10 days!

Okay so to address yesterday's post. I got some mixed reviews, obvi. Most of the people I heard from in whatever form it was, agreed with my opinion. So Erin, when you commented I thought it was great! I was glad that the world could hear an insider's point of view. You made some really great points, especially about the charities and whatnot. It wasn't meant to be a personal attack on Kayla. I don't know her, but I think that she is fabulous. I actually didn't even intend on discussing pageants, I was just ...idk, typing my fingers off.

Okay, second order of business. My darling friend, Namleda saved my pants today. (Her name is actually Erin, but there are just so many Erins floating in my life that the nickname makes things much easier). Today's post is about DIY and how I am in love with anyone who is a DIY fan. So okay, in case you are creepin on my blog and don't actually know me, I am 5'2. For anyone who has never tried to buy pants....they are not made for girls who are my height. Maybe like 5'6 or 5'7. All I know is that I have to cuff almost all my pants, and usually the cuffs are like 3 inches. Ugh. So Nam hemmed my pants tonight so that I can actually wear them and not look like I am an oompa loompa. She is great.

But really, anyone doing anything DIY is great.
I was going to go into more detail, but I am really freaking tired. Sooo how about you talk. Are you a DIY kinda gal (or guy), have you ever attempted something and failed miserably. (I could talk about this for hours), or are you Angel and can make a dress out of an old tablecloth which would then be mass produced at The Gap.

p.s. if you understand that last sentence, I will love you forever.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 9

Loving yourself is hot.

I am flawed ( I know, weird right?!) and I can love myself through it. It isn't always easy, and I have a lot of moments that I hate myself. But overall in life, I love myself.

And I know that I am lucky. It breaks my heart to see people, particularly women who just don't feel the way I feel. A long, long time ago...like almost a decade, I realized that I wanted to be able to help these people feel great about themselves. Maybe not even great, maybe just okay.

Working in retail has really showed me how negative people feel about their bodies. It's crazy.

I want this to go farther than just the physical side. I want people to love their souls. That is THE hottest thing ever. If you would like to increase your sex appeal, you don't need to go on a diet, dye your hair, and buy new heels...you just need to believe in yourself. Seriously. Being sexy isn't about how many items of clothing you are willing to take off...it is about how many you can still have on whilst having people fawn over you. Everyone knows that girl. The one who is pretty...but nothing special, but everyone loves her! Let me tell you why..it is because she loves herself. It's a hot trend, you should try it.

I have a true dream of spending my life working as a non-profit organization that teaches women to love themselves and helps them find their way. And I hate anything that brings us down. There are numerous things I could mention but for now, I will stick with number one on my hate list pageants. I read an article with the new Miss Delaware, Kayla Martell. I think she is great, she has aleopecia which I suffered with a tiny bit as a kid, and as a result she is bald. She is more beautiful bald, than I am with all of my hair. Anyway the article talked about how she competed for 5 years to win the title and the first three she was bald and did not win. Last year she wore a wig and got runner up, this year, she wore her wig again and won. That sends out baaaad signals to me. It seems like she only won when she conformed. In the article when she was asked if she felt that she only won because she had the wig, her answer was something to the effect of (and yes, I am paraphrasing) "Sometimes you've just got to do what you've got to do if you want to succeed"


What!?!!!!? I would (not so) secretly like to be an actress in one of my many lives. Does that mean that I should pose naked to get attention so that I can jumpstart my career?!

I also dislike pageants because...they're ridiculous. You've got dozens of girls who are doing an awkward corny dance, smiling way too hard, wearing beautiful dresses, parading around in bikinis, giving generic, nice answers to questions, and performing a talent of some kind.

All for scholarship. Because we all need to tone up and lose 5-7 lbs if we want a $500 scholarship.

This was much longer than I intended, but I was on a roll.

So what do you think. Am I wrong? let me know, seriously.


What boosts your confidence? Or, what brings you down.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 8

So, I try to write about things that have been on my mind a lot lately. I know the past two posts haven't been too fun, and honestly I'm still feeling pretty blah, but if there is anything that fixes that, (at least temporarily), it is new stuff.

I don't buy new clothes often. Really. I gained 6lbs since going to college, that's it. More than half of my clothes from high school still fit me, and I wore them, again and again. And then I started to get rid of a lot of stuff, but I was not able to buy at the same rate that I was getting rid of. The result was that I had 4 pairs of wearable pants, 2 of which I hated. Tank tops with holes in the seams. Cardigans that used to be pink and are now a weird pink/grey color. It was time for a new wardrobe. In any quest for hotness, a new wardrobe is always necessary. Whoever said that clothes don't make the man was clearly blind. It changes EVERYTHING. I feel like a new woman, thanks to working retail. it feels so good to have new things. When you don't have a lot of money to spend, shopping is never fun. When you can spend less than $60 and get two sweaters, a belt, pants, a tank top, and fancy hair pins...it is awesome.

So, if anyone in the Newark area between size 0-6 would like to shop at J.Crew, you can come in my closet, I own about half of it.

What do you think. Is clothing, and fashion overrated? Or do you understand the magic that lie within a perfectly fitting pair of jeans?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 7

Beating cancer is hot.

I think people who defeat cancer are superheros. And those that lose their life are soldiers that have died in battle. I think cancer is the monster that lurks under the bed, and somehow manages to sneak into the closet every time the lights get shut off. I think it is mean, and unforgiving. Everywhere I turn it is causing destruction. Cancer is fugly. Cancer is the sweater that your grandma got you two Christmas' ago that just sits in the back of your closet staring at you. It is draining and rude. It interrupts life without any warning. It is a thief, stealing life and opportunity from too many people.

I didn't intend for this blog to get so serious, but it is sort of hard for me to care about lip gloss when the outside world is falling apart.

Say a prayer tonight for someone you know who is affected by cancer. If you are lucky enough to not be able to think of anyone ... say a prayer anyway. What have you got to lose?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 6

First piece of business:

She wrote a really sweet message about a friend that has been life changing for her.
She will be winning a really cute adorable set of bobby pins with gems in them. Kels, give me your address and you'll be getting them in the mail.

But on the the forreals side. Today's post is for men.
For real men, who know how to respect women. Who know better than to ever hit them. Who know better than to belittle and manipulate them. Muscles aren't hot. Fancy cars aren't hot. Treating your woman right is hot.

So do it.

That's it.

I'm just editing and updating, because this is on the same subject line.
I got a phone call from a good friend telling me that a rape had occurred very close to his home, in Newark.

I got home and could tell the girl on the second floor was freaked out so she told me a whole long story about last night.. apparently one of the homeless guys raped a girl that ***** had here last night the rape didn't happen in this house though ...there were detectives here today and **** told me she was really freaked out and didn't feel comfortable living here but she talked to the cops/detective.. she figures it is gonna stop when the semester starts. I don't agree.

The asterisks block out names, but thats exactly what he said to me.
There's also these if you care to read..

this is so not okay. This is more than not okay. Sleep is eluding me and I am bouncing between extreme anger and intense sadness. This girl's life is ruined. She will never view men the same, sex will never be the same. Her life will now have daily doses of fear, shame, and horrible memories. Just typing that makes me cry.

I feel like I need to fix these problems. But how can you stop someone from hurting someone else?

I am so grateful to the men that posted, agreeing with me.
For any of you that read and don't agree, let me blatantly tell you, you are wrong.
No matter how drunk a girl is, no matter how much skin she is showing, no matter how much she is flirting with you DOES NOT MEAN that you have ANY right to touch her. This is a free country, I am a free woman. I can dress and act as I please, but you can not touch me.

And, yes this situation is reversed. Just because a guy seems like he is into you, doesn't mean you can throw yourself all over him.

Where is the respect, for either gender?

All I know is if I am ever sexually assaulted, or anyone I am close to is.
The offender should probably kill himself, because that would be kinder than what I would do.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 5

"The best accessories a girl can have are her closest friends"

I recently found out that this is a Paris Hilton quote. Whilst she is not one of my most favorite It girls, she does have a point.

I finally had a day with some of my best girlies from highschool who have all gone off around the country and it is so rare for us to all be together and yet, for the first time in over a year, we found a day to go to the beach. Also, here is a fun tidbit/ not so secret secret. We have a history of skinny dipping and it has just been a LONG time... (If you have ever been you know how wonderfully freeing it is, and if you have never been...you need to asap) So out in the middle of the wonderful, freezing Atlantic, we decided to let go and live as God intended. And let me tell you, it was glorious, and awesome, and hot.

Having awesome friends (and, if you're lucky like me they're all really hot) make you hotter.
1. You feel comfortable with them, so it builds your self esteem up and you can be yourself
2. When they're all really good looking, it just adds up and you're just a group of attractiveness.
3. They make you laugh, and everyone knows that laughing makes you feel good, and when you feel good, you look good.

Three awesome reasons why having your friends makes you an instant HOTTIE

In other words, you guys have NO idea how amazing it makes me feel to have people like you who read/comment/follow. I am so incredibly grateful. I am thinking that Fridays should be FREE STUFF FRIDAYS. In which, for whatever reason I choose someone gets something awesome...for free.

I haven't decided what the free thing will be (and it depends on which gender is the winner).
But here is the question. Tell me about your group of friends, or just one friend in particular who just really builds you up (buttercup). Aaaand who ever has the best answer will get something awesome. If you read this and don't have an account/ don't want to comment you can tell me on Facebook or via email Nicoleee@udel.edu

* I wore my sunglasses all day today. I'm pretty sure I was the hottest person around for a mile.
Kels, you have the tiniest, most adorable face. I love when people have little faces, I just want to kiss them. But I will restrain myself for you.

**Lyd, I can't believe I forgot to address this. Mascara is one of the most important makeup items. When in doubt I always go back to Great Lash by Maybelline (the pink and green one) it is so timeless and is always awesome. But I too like to experiment, I recently picked up Pure by Sephora...and I am not a fan. I am looking forward to trying Revlon's new mascara called Grow, (Jessica Biel stars in the commercial and looks supa fine). Let me know what you pick and how it looks!

***Ben...that is SUCH a toughie. My advice to you would be to stop drinking so much muscle milk. And Michael, I have no words. That was a perfect answer.

*** I just waltzed with a baby cat. I am officially insane.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 4

LYDIA!! my love- what a happy surprise to see your face! The hot back.2.school colors for the fall are dark greys and purples. probably like plum, I would also choose a matte for these colors. I work at J.Crew and those colors are allll over the place. The only bright color that we're continually seeing is this really fun green. Kind of like if grass green and kelly green had a baby green color. I would say that you could go with a shiny kind.

Okay, today's post is about accessories. Specifically glasses. I used to have some messed up contacts and I had to wear my glasses all the time. Which is not hot. It really did change the way i felt about myself. I felt lazy and sloppy and that it changed the entire way I looked. SO about a week ago, I got contacts that work. So adios fugly glasses! I then realized that I needed some BALLIN sunglasses, so I got some. I wear them even when there is only a hint of sunlight and I've made a discovery. Sunglasses make you cooler. I am 100% more BA when they're on. I took a very small poll and everyone in it agreed with me.

What is one thing that you can add that makes you look great?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 3

Okay so- FIVE followers!? I almost peed myself, that has exceeded my expectations by ...5. And Leah, my sweet Leah, I feel like you should win a prize for making my commenting dreams come true. Here is my advice.
You have beaaaaautiful long, curly hair. And the first thing you're going to have to do to is invest in a really nice straightener. I just have poufy hair and can get away with a decent one, but you're going to need a heavy duty one. I recommend a chi. Okay, the second thing is some serum. I have some stuff from Bed Head, it's called Party On or something like that. There is anti-frizz, smoothing, shiny, anti-heat damage, and some that are all combined, some you are supposed to apply when your hair is damp and others when it is dry, make sure to put it in when you're supposed to. (Also, don't put any too close to your scalp, otherwise your hair will get greasy fast!) So I would say that wash your hair as normal (if you know you're going to straighten your hair that day, you could buy a shampoo and conditioner that is geared specifically for that). Wash as normal and before you get out, comb your hair in the shower. Towel dry gently. Don't flip it over your head, just squeeze the hair out and run your fingers through it and such. Once it is dry enough to blow dry, I recommend doing it in sections, using a round brush. Then, once your hair straightener is super hot, start straightening in the same sections....and you should be good!!!

Okay, my real post for today is...technology. I do not have hot technology. I break everything, and therefore have crappy everything. You know that commercial when the guy is on the plane with his crappy phone next to the hot girl with her cool phone. I am the guy. LAME.

World- I have upgraded to a PURPLE Blackberry Curve. I just got 10x hotter. I no longer have to secretly hate my life when people call me, I can have PRIDE in my technology.

It is true though, when people have old, broken, ghetto pieces of technology...they just don't have the same cool factor. Success!!

So maybe today I will ask a question, and you will comment with your answer and I will discuss it tomorrow.

Soooo today's question is... what is the strangest thing that you find hot about someone? I don't want average answers like "blue eyes". I'm talking about weird quirks and whatnot. I'll start, I really like socially awkward boys. Why? I have absolutely no idea, but they just make me weak in the knees. Okay, your turn!


Day 2

I know, I know. It's already "tomorrow", but I just feel that if I have yet to go to sleep and wake up, it is still today.

So, today we're going to discuss hair, since it is 1.superficial, 2. really annoying, 3. Taking up a huge part of my life right now.

So, my hair is not cool. It is medium length and brown. Awesome. The best thing about hair is that you can do so much to it and it if really sucks, you can cut it all off and....it grows back. You can't say that about everything.
So right now I am in stage 2 of many in a process to make my hair red. Thanks to the fact that my mom was a hair dresser, I can afford this. Otherwise it would be box dyes until I die. So we first did some highlights, golden brown, blonde, and copper red. Today we did a lot more blonde, and I was pretty nervous, but it looks decent. BUT it will soon be covered up by all over red.

And in a not so painful process, I went from blah hair to people commenting on it daily. Pretty fabulous if I do say so myself.

This is the part where I pretend that people are commenting and asking me for advice and things like that.

"Nicole, my hair is so boring, how do I make it look like I have natural waves"
Well, I am just so glad you asked! There is a very simple solution to this. Wash your hair as normal and blow dry it until it is only barely damp. Like...almost totally dry. This works for hair that at least touches the shoulders. You just twist it into buns, I do one on each side of my head. Go to sleep for the night, wake up and gently undo the buns. You hair should be a big twist on each side. Gently break apart and use some product to help it stay, (I just use hairspray and then scrunch.) It is such an easy thing to do, I love it.

Okay, it's almost 2 am and I am almost a zombie, so that's pretty much it for tonight.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 1

Okay, so I have started this blog for a few reasons.
1.It has been brought to my attention that I am not as hot as I used to be.
2. I am 20 and am frumpy and kind of lame.
3. This is NOT OKAY.

I am also a senior creative writing major at UD and feel like when I graduate if I ever need a good example of my writing (to be a columnist at some super popular magazine for example) all I'd have to do is give them the URL.

So, I'm just going to pretend that I have lots of readers and people commenting and asking me questions and such.

The first step in this is to figure out what you want changed, on the inside and outside.

For me, I just got washed up, right around the ripe age of 20. I guess it was my quarter life crisis? I stopped brushing my hair, feeling that the bun I had slept in looked fine. I wore my glasses like every day, not bothering to put in contacts. Makeup? HA! So this summer I just got fed up and since next year is my last year as a college student I am going to do it right...I think. Over the next 31 days I will hopefully be able to get myself out of my gross stage and into my fabulous stage.

The way this blog will work will be that there will be a step each day that will focus on something, the idea is that as the month goes on I will address more specific things, but right now it is pretty general.

Step 1: Assess your issues. What is it that makes you look in the mirror and just feel blah? Is it your weight? Or maybe you're like me and still have clothes from high school? Or maybe you look great but its your inside that needs an attitude adjustment. All of these things are conquerable.

Disclaimer: PGH isn't about just physical beauty, it is about something that I have always been pretty passionate about. It's more of a very very small movement to prove to women that they can all be hot. Or beautiful. Or pretty. Or whatever you want to call it. It isn't about your hair color, or your height, or eye color or anything like that. It is about loving yourself and learning to shape yourself into the person that you want to be.

I will also be posting pictures throughout this process, except that blogger is being silly and not letting me upload them, but hopefully soon.
